Quest:Twisted Gold

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Twisted Gold
Level 40
Type Solo
Starts with Thalathril
Starts at Tham Lumren
Start Region The Angle of Mitheithel
Map Ref [38.7S, 17.2W]
Quest Group The Angle
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'At present, I personally do not require your aid. However, Glatharn mentioned that he wanted to talk to me about something. Go see if you are able to lend assistance, that I might continue my work.'


Amongst the ruins of Tham Lumren, ghostly spectres cling to ancient artifacts.

Objective 1

Glatharn is located in Tham Lumren.

Thalathril has suggested you offer your assistance to Glatharn.

Glatharn: 'Mae govannen! I am indeed Glatharn. I heard tell that you might be interested in offering assistance to our cause. I have a... slightly odd request. We are camped near the ruins of Tham Lumren. As with the rest of Haudh Erthaid, Tham Lumren has played host to countless battles. Many of which saw Elves and Men meet their demise. For some of those folk, a physical death was not enough to send their spirits onwards, and they lurk among the ruins, attacking blindly, and imagining that their battle still rages.
'I have identified certain artifacts that I believe are tethering these troubled shades - twisted, golden armbands that they wore in life. Thalathril will not grant me leave to assist these confused soldiers, but you have the freedom to do so. Please, go and collect armbands from the shades.'

Objective 2

  • Collect twisted armbands (0/12)

Twisted spirits can be found at Tham Lumren, in the northeast Angle.

Glatharn has asked you to collect twisted armbands from twisted spirits.

Objective 3

  • Return to Glatharn

Glatharn is located in Tham Lumren.

You should bring the twisted armbands to Glatharn.

Glatharn: 'Ah, you return! I knew you were more than a match for those poor spirits. Come, let me see what you bring.'
You hand him an armband.
'Yes, it is as I thought. I think I know how we can help these warriors. The rivers that surround the Angle often ran red after the battles that were fought here. So much loss and violence has twisted some of the plants that grow in this area. On their banks, you will find twisted rotroot. Collect a bouquet of their flowers and bring it here.'

Objective 4

  • Collect twisted rotroot (0/6)

Twisted rotroot can be found along the banks of the rivers that border the Angle.

Glatharn has asked you to collect a bouquet of twisted rotroot.

Objective 5

  • Return to Glatharn

Glatharn is located in Tham Lumren.

You should bring the twisted rotroot flowers to Glatharn.

Glatharn: 'In other lands, these flowers grow tall and proud. Here in the Angle, they grow twisted by the memories of violence and strife.
'I have prepared a pyre using an incantation for purifying and letting go. Here, take the armbands. Add them to the fire with the bouquet you gathered. May the hearts of the warriors find peace, and may the twisted flowers unfurl and bloom again.'

Objective 6

  • Add the armbands and bouquet to the pyre

The pyre is in Tham Lumren, in the eastern Angle.

Glatharn has asked you to add the twisted rotroot and armbands to the pyre.

The air smells fragrant and feels lighter, somehow

Objective 7

  • Return to Glatharn

Glatharn is located in Tham Lumren.

You should talk to Glatharn.

Glatharn: 'Did you feel it, <name>? Like a warm summer wind, and that sweet scent! I believe we have done it, friend. We are a small step closer to healing this land and granting peace to troubled souls.'